2017 Saratoga Martial Arts Festival
The Capital Region's Premier Martial Art's Festival!
March 4th & 5th, 2017
Saturday, 8:00am to 5:00pm & Sunday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Holiday Inn, Saratoga Springs NY
The 17th Annual Saratoga Martial Arts Festival features two-days of hands-on instructional workshops
in striking, grappling, & weapons arts, plus vendors, & Saturday Night Banquet with the Instructional Staff!
Martial Artists of all backgrounds and experiences levels are welcome to participate.
Register NOW at TicketSpice.com (early registration discounts)
Follow us on Facebook for the most up to date information.
2017 Instructional Staff
Special Guest Instructor

Kevin Seaman
Kevin is direct student of Dan Inosanto and a leading authority on Jeet Kune Do,
the Filipino Martial Arts, Thai Boxing, Wing Chun and many other martial arts.
Learn more at http://www.kevinseaman.net/
2017 Staff Instructors

Anthony DiSarro
Kosho-Ryu Kempo, FMA, & Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu

Kevin Suggs
Goju Ryu Karate

Chris LaCava
Hapkido, FMA, & Knife Combatives

Ted Tanaka
Eishin Ryu Iai Jutsu

Additional instructors & workshop schedule to be announced
Lodging Information
Lodging is available both at the Holiday Inn (232 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, p: 800.315.2621) and at the Springs Motel (189 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, p: 518.584.6336)
When booking ask about the special rates for festival attendees
Instructor Bios & Workshops
Jeff Burger
Muay Thai, Shito Ryu Karate & Kung Fu
For over 30 years Jeff Burger has amasses a myriad of Martial Arts experiences. He has trained and studied with the top trainers in the world, including extensive training in Asia.
His accomplished certifications include the following:
Shito Ryu Karate: Sensei, 5th Degree Black Belt
Matsukazi Ryu JuJutsu: Sensei, 5th Degree Black Belt
Muay Thai: Kru, Certified By: Muay Thai Institute / World May Thai Council, Bangkok Thailand
Nam Kune Bok Toi Kung Fu (Chinese Boxing): Sifu, Certified By: Songjian Wushu Institute, China
Tai Chi,Certified By: Songjian Wushu Institute, China
US Representative Songjian Wushu Institute 2000-2003
Silver Medalist 2006 Muay Thai World Championship
KAPAP Level 2 Instructor,Certified by: Avi Nardia
Stick, Knife and Gun Instructor under Hock Hochheim
Muay Thai Clinch
This workshop will be a master class on the Muay Thai Clinch. Coach Burger will cover how to successfully gain the upper hand in this position, different options for attacks, and how to successfully get out of the clinch when things are not going well. Learn to keep your enemies even closer than ever before!
"The Capt Morgan Series"
In this class Coach Burger will take participants through set ups and fakes built around using and defending the round kick. This is one of Jeff's favorite topics and he uses a LOT in sparring. Don't miss out!

Chris Dammann
Krav Maga, Karate, & Folkstyle Wrestling
Chris has over 30 years experience in the martial arts. He has achieved advanced black belt degrees in 5 different styles of Karate and continues to train under Relson Gracie of the Gracie Jujitsu system. He has been training in Krav Maga since 2006 and has been teaching since 2009. He is currently training in the expert instructor series within Krav Maga Alliance.
In addition to this, Chris was a high school wrestler (Long Island-section 11) and college level (NJCAA) wrestler and has been a wrestling coach ever since. He is currently the head wrestling coach for the Ossining school district. He has fought in amateur full contact MMA competitions and was a member of the U.S.A National Karate Team in 2007. He is the only 7 time N.Y. State Karate Champion and was the U.S.A. National Champion in 2002 and again in 2010. He was named Best Fighter/Competitor of the year by Action Martial Arts Magazine in 2005 and was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame at Madison Square Garden in 2004. Chris was a member of the N.Y.P.D. Auxiliary Police Force (1996-2002) and was one of their defensive tactics instructors.
Fast & Furious:
American Krav Maga Self Defense Concepts
Utilizing aggression and simplicity to ensure maximum damage.
Fit and Fearless
Israeli Krav Maga fitness drills and tactics to improve environmental awareness, threat assessment and response.
Raffi Derderian
Shinko-Ryu Kempo, Uechi-ryu Karate, Kali & JKD
Sifu Raffi Derderian began martial arts in 1973 in the art of Uechi-ryu Karate. In 1990 he began the study of Jeet Kune Do & Filipino Martial Arts. He is also an Instructor of Kempo.
Sifu Raffi holds the following ranks:
Apprentice Instructor- JKD and Kali under Guro Dan Inosanto
Senior Full Instructor (over 20 years under Sifu Kevin Seaman) - Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do & Filipino Martial Arts
8th Degree Black Belt - Shinko-Ryu Kempo (promoted to 8th degree by Grandmaster Larry Tatum)
7th Degree Black Belt - Uechi-ryu Karate under Master George Mattson
3rd Degree Black Belt - Filipino Martial Art Combatives under Hock Hochheim
2nd Degree Black Belt -Oki-Ryu Kenpo
Ranked "Expert" in Knife Combatives by the Congress of American Knifefighters (Hock Hochheim)
Recognized "Shihan of Martial Arts" by the International Uechi Karate Association
Stand Up Ju Jitsu Lock Flow
This is a drill Sifu Raffi created in 1995 to help beginners learn locking. It is also a great drill to help more advance practitioners practice and polish their joint locking skills. All levels, including beginners, are welcome to attend this class.
Filipino Stick Fighing: Solo and Doble Baston
This class will deal with the Filipino method of Solo and Doble Baston training. We will cover drills and fighting techniques that are both challenging and exciting! No previous experience necessary.

Anthony DiSarro
Kosho-Ryu Kempo, FMA, & Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu
Tony DiSarro has been a student of the martial arts for over 30years. He is constantly training to expand his understanding of the principles and concepts of all martial arts systems, and does his best to see the similarities as well as the nuanced differences in each system he trains in. His goal is to pass on the teachings he's been lucky enough to receive from the great teachers he's been blessed to train with. He is a senior student and east coast representative of Hanshi Bruce Juchnik of Kosho Ryu Kempo as well as the Filipino Martial Arts, and has been training with Juchnik Hanshi for the last 22 years. He is also a senior student and upstate NY regional director under Roy (Shingen) Goldberg Sensei of the Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Kodokai. He has been a student of Goldberg Senseis for the last 15 years. DiSarro Sensei is the Chief Instructor of Capital District Martial Arts Center in Delmar NY. He is honored to once again return to SMAF to share his knowledge.
Kosho Ryu
This seminar will explore the use of subtle body movements to cloak movement and address ways to manipulate your opponent using balance disruptions, structural superiority and timing with properly executed striking, locking and throwing techniques. The concepts and principles taught in this seminar can easily be applied in any martial art style and are universal in most martial art systems. DiSarro Sensei will demonstrate the importance of timing,positioning and execution of combative movement to effectively control your opponent.
Escrima Entries and Counters
This seminar will cover various movements from the Cabales lineage of Serrada Escrima as well as other Filipino martial arts systems. Focusing on both the single stick and dagger,as well as some of the empty hand variations of Filipino martial arts. With the popularity of the Filipino Martial Arts, and it's large cross training participation of practitioners from other systems, this seminar will help bridge gaps for the participants on some of the details in the Escrima/Kali systems that were popular in the Stockton area of California.

Chris LaCava
Hapkido, FMA, & Knife Combatives
Chris holds black belts in Jung Ki Hapkido and Chung Suk Kuhapdo. He is a Certified Knife Instructor under Hoch Hochheim and is a Modern Combatives Instructor with Muzzle Front, LLC. He is also a sought after seminar instructor, teaching Hapkido and combatives at events throughout the Northeast and beyond.
On the other end of the spectrum, Chris is also a Licensed Acupuncturist in Connecticut, has been on faculty at multiple Accredited Acupuncture Colleges here in the US and has traveled to Korea and Japan to continue his training in both, the Combative and Healing Arts. This is why you hear people say... “Chris LaCava: Beat ‘em and Treat ‘em.”
Get That Out of My Way!
When using a knife for self defense, no one is going to "let" you cut them. They will be trying to stop you as well as trying to seriously hurt or kill you (why else would you draw a knife against someone?!). This session we will be going over various ways to "defeat the obstructions," get to your target, end the threat, and get home to see your family.
Drop 'em like it's Hot
Ever apply a takedown or throw and all of a sudden they stop going down? In this session, we will be going over the anatomy of the takedown, the three things you can do to "drop a fool," as well as skills and drills to be able to apply them to your takedowns. No matter what style you train in, if you do takedowns and throws, this information applies to you.

Roland Lavigne
Karate & Yang Style Tai Chi
Roland Lavigne is the owner/chief instructor at Eight Star Martial Arts in Warrensburg, New York and Red Dragon Karate School in Ballston Spa, New York. During the Spring and Fall semesters, Roland teaches classes for the Skidmore College Martial Arts Club.
A student of Master Jeff Melander (Sugarland,TX), Master Mark Tolstrup (Saratoga Springs, NY), and Grandmaster William C.C. Chen (NYC, NY)— Roland primarily teaches Pukulan Kilat (Pentjak Silat), Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, Yang Style Sword, and a variety of Qigong sets.
Roland continues his studies, by regularly meeting and training with Master Jim Devoe (Pukulan Kilat), Master Mark Tolstrup, and Grandmaster William C.C. Chen.
Martial Applications of Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Chuan is an internal Chinese martial art, often referred to as a moving meditation. While many in the U.S. practice Tai Chi solely for its health benefits, regular practice of Tai Chi Chuan develops coordinated, internal body mechanics — which, for martial artists, leads to vast increases in speed and power. In this session we will play with some of the martial applications culled from the Yang 60 movement and 132 movement forms.
Swimming Dragon Qigong (Ch’i Kung)
Qigong or Ch’i Kung refers to practices based upon ancient principles of Chinese Medicine, which cultivate, circulate, and store vital, internal energy or qi. The Swimming Dragon Qigong is a single movement, which builds energy and benefits overall health. It opens all the joints in the spine while massaging acupuncture points along the vertebrae. This comprehensive health system may prevent back problems and can be therapeutic for existing ones; it may have beneficial influences on the intestines, stomach, lungs, kidneys, and skin.

William Luciano
Pai-Chia P’ai (Pai Family System)
William Luciano is a senior level instructor in both the Pai Family Martial Arts and the Eighteen Bronze Man Method of Chinese martial arts. Mr. Luciano is a lineage disciple and is licensed to teach both of these methods.
William is well versed in the techniques, martial theories and histories of a number of arts. In addition to the arts listed above, he has had extensive training in the arts of Hsing-I Ch’uan, Pa-Kua Chang, T’ai-Chi Ch’uan, Oki- nawan Kempo, and Southern Fukien Lohan.
The importance of the backside (non striking) hand in training
The use of triangular structure in Kung-Fu... and Kempo, and Karate too!
Steven Pearlman
Praxis Martial Arts
Dr Steve Pearlman, the Director Emeritus of the Saratoga Martial Arts Festival, has been training in the martial arts since 1984 and has studied Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Malaysian, and Western martial arts styles. He has been teaching martial arts since 1989, when he began teaching at American University. In 1999, he was hired by the Smithsonian Institute to coordinate and curate a martial arts lecture series entitled “Spirit in Motion: Martial Traditions Past and Present.” In addition to founding SMAF in 2000 and overseeing the festival for fifteen years, Steve is the author of The Book of Martial Power (2006, Overlook Press) and a respected authority on martial theory, self-defense, and women’s personal protection. Today, Steve teaches his scientific, bio-mechanical approach to the martial arts at Praxis Martial Arts in Canton, CT.
Complex Force: The Amplification of Power
One of the principles emphasized in Dr. Pearlman’s text, The Book of Martial Power, is “complex force,” which is the application of spiraling, sheering, scissoring, carving, and vibrational energies. The use of those energies, in contrast to “simple force” that only attacks in one direction at a time, not only amplifies the amount of power delivered, it also exploits the opponent’s natural anatomical weaknesses to maximize the severity of the force received. This seminar will explore new insights into each of the individual complex forces, as well as “bonus” principles like “indirect pressure,” and it will also show the phenomenal power that one can achieve by simultaneously exercising all of the complex forces into any one application. This seminar applies to all styles and systems, and will offer new ways for you to understand and develop in your own art.
CQB Essentials: Dominating the Clinch
Because of our natural psychological survival instinct to grab and attempt to control, many combative encounters will enter a clinch or clinch-like situation after just a few seconds, whether you want it to or not. Without specific training in how to “win the clinch,” much other training quickly becomes inaccessible in what can be a seemingly chaotic point in a conflict if you do not know how to control it. You’ll walk out of this seminar with concrete tactical applications for winning the clinch against even larger, stronger opponents. Also, the clinch is nasty fun.

Kevin Seaman
Jeet Kune Do, the Filipino Martial Arts, Thai Boxing, Submission Grappling, & Wing Chun
A World-renowned Instructor in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, Sifu Kevin Seaman is a senior student having trained for over 30 years under the Top JKD people in the world. He holds a Full Instructor Certification under Dan Inosanto and a Full Instructor Certification under Tim Tackett. In addition, he has had additional training under 1st Generation Bruce Lee Students, Taky Kimura, Larry Hartsell, Ted Wong and Richard Bustillo.
In addition, Sifu Kevin holds Advanced Instructor Levels in six martial arts systems, is a certified instructor in police defensive tactics, a certified USA Boxing Coach and has trained dozens of professional and amateur competitors in the UFC, Bellator, WTBA, USMTA, WKA and USA Boxing. With over 45 years in the martial arts, his challenging teaching schedule has spanned over 35 years and annually takes him to seminar destinations both Nationally and Internationally.
Author of the Critically Acclaimed books, Jun Fan Gung Fu- Seeking The Path Of Jeet Kune Do Volumes 1 & 2, Kevin Seaman has written three books on mental performance and personal development, The Winning Mind Set, The Mind Game Of MMA and The Mind Game Of Competition.
The Art and Science Of JEET KUNE DO
Join Sifu Kevin for a master class on Bruce Lee's Art of Jeet Kune Do. In this session, Sifu Kevin will draw upon a lifetime of study to help participants get through all the hype to truly understand what Jeet Kune Do is an how concepts from it can be applied to their own martial practice.
The Winning Mind Set:
Transform your practice (and life) by training your mind
Success in the martial arts (and life) is as much mental as it is physical. In this very special seminar Sifu Kevin will share a set of proven tools and techniques to help you UNLEASH the Power of Your Mind, and tap into your incredible potential.

Sean Schenker
Midori Yama Budokai & Kyokushin Karate
Sensei Sean Shenker been training and teaching students in the martial way for nearly 25 years. Sean began his martial journey at age 5, and received his first dan while training as a full-contact Knockdown competitor in Kyokushin-Kai/Oyama Karate. Sean trained, taught and competed under this umbrella working alongside many accomplished teachers including Sensei Frank Clark (Fighting Black King’s fame) and world figure, Soshu Oyama. Sean also studied Tae Kwon Do, and he is a former Junior Olympic and NY State Champion. Sean continued his pursuit of the martial way living in Athens, Georgia where he received his subsequent dan certificates. Several years ago he was awarded the honor of "Shidoshi Sho" (Gifted & Dedicated Teacher of The Way) by colleagues and Hanshi of MYB & MAUSA. Sean continues to train and attend martial arts clinics while devoting most of his time teaching students at his dojo, Fighting Spirit Karate, in New Paltz, NY.
Kyokushin - Attack the attack and The Art Low Kicks
(*Seminar requires hand/foot guards for light contact drills*)
This is a Kyokushin seminar geared towards any level student. First, we'll explore a short session similar to a typical Kyokushin class involving conditioning, movement, mechanics and fundamentals that touch upon the Kyokushin ideal of "forward motion and attacking the attack." Be prepared to sweat & make a little contact! :-)
Half-way through we'll explore the use of effective low mawashi (roundhouse) - the use of this technique in knockdown fighting & the theory Kyokushin adopts of "chopping down the tree." We'll build off of partner drills & utilize the large Kyokushin Full-contact body shields we use for training our full-contact competitors.

Kevin Suggs
USA Goju Ryu Karate
Sensei Suggs is the founder and principal instructor for the Shin Ri Tan Kyu (Seeking the Truth) USA Goju group consisting of Port Chester Karate Club and students of SUNY College at Purchase, NY. Kevin was awarded his Sixth Dan in June 2009 by Kyoshi Khalef Williams and Sa Bum Nim William Slader. Other Martial Accomplishments include:
Former Tactical Master Instructor for CDT Non-Deadly Force Training Commission.
Past Camp Martial Arts Instructor at the Fresh Air Fund’s ‘Camp Mariah’
Guest Instructor for the Greenburgh School District's preschool program during Black History Month
Serving as an ongoing Staff Instructor for the Zendokai Super Summer Seminars program since 1992; one of the largest martial arts camps in the North East.
Served as President of NEMAC from 1993 to 1996, and as vice president in 1992, 1997, and 1998
USA Goju is principally a medium to close range self-defense system, using techniques designed to incapacitate an opponent as quickly as possible. The literal translation of Goju is ”hard/ soft”. In Goju, softer, circular 'ju' movements are utilized to bring opponents within striking range of the harder, more direct 'go' applications.
A Discussion of the Reactionary Curve
A Reactionary curve can be described as a concept in a given situation an opponent reacts in a certain way to specific strikes. We use various strikes to specified areas (nerve strikes, attacks to joints and bones), in order to incapacitate that person by inducing a reflex action. An example is poking an opponent in the eye (causing the eye to blink), striking the groin or the shin (causing the opponent move away), or a joint lock or strike (to subdue or control that person).
We can be behind that curve (reacting to an attack), ahead of it (pre-emptive striking) or we can flow along the curve (countering the attempted attack).
In an opponent, that curve increases as their attack comes closer to actually striking you (open hand or weapon, or the use of sheer numbers). We will be discussing these last two aspects (flowing, and disrupting your opponent’s curve).
Breaking and Entering
This is not a seminar on lock picking, sliding down an air shaft on a cable to retrieve confidential documents, or any criminal act. Instead, in this workshop you will find yourself, unfortunately, in a confrontation with you as the defender, ready and anticipating. Your opponent is poised for an attack. You want to take the engagement to them, but cannot find an opening to do so. How can you gain the upper hand and disable the enemy while at the same time not exposing yourself to harm?
We will examine structure as defined within the Goju system, and stances used by combatants in confrontations. We will utilize drills which enable you to break that structure and enter into the space you created, using your opponent’s balance and structure.

Ted Tanaka
Eishin Ryu Iai Jutsu
Ted Tanaka has been practicing martial arts for 30 years. The last 17 have been spent training and teaching Eishin Ryu Iai Jutsu. While Ted still considers himself a beginner in the art, he is happy to have an opportunity to share his passion and wealth of knowledge with others.
Iai - Is it about drawing fast?
This Seminar will cover nukitsuke (beginning of kata: drawing and cutting) and noto (Ending of kata: sheathing of the sword) from various Eishin Ryu Iai katas. We will explore the "why" of "drawing and cutting" using specific targets on the opponent, as well as the importance of "sheathing" from a technical perspective.
Kenjutsu - Ri-Ai, Logics of the Style
This Seminar will cover Ri-Ai(Ri=logic, Ai=in Harmony), the logic inherent in the Eishin Ryu swordsmanship using two-man sets. We will experience how specific cutting methods are dictated by footwork, which is governed by the logic or "Ri-Ai", that threads the entire style together.
Chris Thompson
Inosanto Kali & Original Giron Escrima
Guro Chris Thompson is a martial arts instructor with over 27 years of experience. While he originally studied traditional Okinawan Karate earning a 3rd degree and 2nd degree in Okinawan Kobudo, Guro Chris has spent the last 17 years dedicated solely to the Filipino Martial Arts, earning three distinct instructorships (black belts). One of them being directly certified by the legendary Guro Dan Inosanto.
Guro Chris has also received certification and authorization to teach the Bahala Na – Original Giron Escrima (OGE) system directly from Grandmaster Michael Giron. This was a fighting system that was battle tested and proven during World War II by Grandmaster Michael’s father, Leo Giron. Guro Chris Thompson is the only instructor in Bahala Na – OGE in the entire East Coast. Being directly endorsed by Grandmaster Michael Giron as the Head of the North East Division.
Bahala Na – the Original Giron Escrima's Single Stick/Single Sword Combatives
This seminar will focus on teaching from the Bahala Na – the Original Giron Escrima (OGE) system which is a blade-based Filipino martial art system. This system was battle tested and proven to be effective in Philippine jungles during World War II.
Whether using a stick or a sword, the techniques and applications are still the same. Simple, combat effective fighting methods meant to end an encounter as quickly as possible. Guro Chris will focus on the blade based aspects of the system.
Hammer System - Improvised Tool for Home Defense
Using one of the most common items found in almost every home. The hammer is a simple and yet devastating tool for self-defense in a home invasion situation. Using the fighting methods and applications of combat tested and proven systems from the Filipino Martial Arts, Guro Chris will introduce you to the fighting aspects of the hammer. Whether using it as a force multiplier, an impact tool, or for submission control tactics, the hammer has many unique characteristics that is designed for one thing. Ending a situation quickly and decisively. Training hammers will be provided for this seminar.
Check out this preview of the Hammer System at YouTube.
Dominic Violante
Aikido & Shaolin Kempo Karate
Master Dominick Violante began Martial Arts training in 1977. He was inducted into the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame in July 2003, and the USA Hall of Fame in 2004. He is a Master Level Practitioner 8th Dan Black Belt of Kempo Karate and is ranked 5th Dan Black Belt in Aikido. In addition, he holds a black sash in White Crane/Long Fist Kung-Fu.
Master Dominick currently works as a Public Safety Training & Education Coordinator for 4 CT Hospitals, and is a National Instructor for the ALICE Active Shooter Training Response Program.Master Dominick also works as a consultant for the FBI & DHS for Active Shooter Response for Healthcare Facilities.He is still active teaching SWAT teams & local Police Departments in a wide variety of Law Enforcement Tactical Training.
Master Violante was an instructor for the Massachusetts Criminal Justice System instructing state, local and Auxiliary Police Officers for more than 15 years. Master Violante had a seat on the Board of Directors for the Massachusetts Reserve Police Federation as the advisor for defensive tactics. He has developed numerous self defense programs recognized by the Massachusetts Board of Education.
Welcome to the Wide World of Throws & Locks
Throws and Locks come from a wide variety of Martial Art styles. This seminar will explore the many different variations of Throws and Locks from several different systems. Throws and Locks from, Aikido, Aiki Ju-Jutsu, Kung Fu, Kempo, & Judo will be demonstrated and taught. Participants will also learn “A Lock is a Throw, and a Throw can be a Lock”.
Knowing When to Go Hands On:
When to Use Your Martial Arts Skills
Many students have expressed concern about having to use their training to defend themselves, fearing they may be arrested and possibly sued by their attacker.
We always need to justify our use of force, just as a Law Enforcement Agent does; this seminar will cover the use of Verbal De-escalation, and how to recognize pre indicators for when a situation may escalate into a physical altercation.You will learn how to read body language and facial expressions, and recognize when the situation may go from verbal to physical (which can happen in the blink of an eye).
Participants will learn how to defuse a situation without having to get physical, how to talk down an angry/upset individual.I'm sure as most Martial Artists would agree, fighting is the last thing we really want to do.
Master Dominick holds certifications in several types of Verbal Influence & Defense (Verbal Judo), and has taught this seminar to both Law Enforcement and the private sector, i.e. Human Resource staff, corporate security, martial arts schools, etc. etc.

Eric Winfree
Wing Chun, Grappling, JKD, & Kali
Sifu Eric has been studying the martial arts since 1970. He is one of the few full instructors of Jeet Kune Do in Central New York. Guro Eric is a member of the Francis Fong Instructor Association. In 2012, he is inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame. In 2016, he was promoted to Senior Instructor under Guro Kevin Seaman, one of just 4 in the world.
He teaches from a perspective of street tactics and security. He has brought several martial artists to the instructor level. He concentrates on the spiritual side of the martial arts and his goal is to help fellow martial artists reach enlightenment. Sifu Eric has developed his own comprehensive Street Self Defense System and Women’s Self Defense Program that are highly regarded among the martial arts community.
Big Knuckle Kung Fu
This seminar uses the "big knuckles" of the body as the attack mechanisms (elbows, knees, shoulder, head) to completely destroy your opponent. These are the equalizers which, when put together with defanging the snake techniques shows you how to destroy your opponents weapons and dominate the confrontation.
Chin Na Answer to the Grappler
This seminar uses Chin Na's penetrating energy to stop aggressive grapplers taking you to the ground or submitting you once you are there.

Register for SMAF 2017 NOW at TicketSpice.com and save!
Follow us on Facebook for the most up to date information.
For comments, questions, and inquiries, please email us at RenMartialArts@gmail.com
or call Mark Cardona at 585.737.5707