1. 3 Points of View
This entails viewing a confrontation from three points of view; The defender (you), The Opponent, and the bystander who may be witnessing the event. Utilizing this concept will illuminate many avenues of offense and defense that would have otherwise been missed.
2. MasterKeyTechniques/Patterns
Sequence of movements that can be applied to a number of predicaments.
Using the same move or moves against a number of predicaments that are basically similar in context, but so often overlooked as being similar in principle.
3. Nature of Attack
Indentify, define and classify the types of encounters. Thoroughly scrutinize the various methods in which weapons (natural or otherwise) can be employed.
Instinctively determine choice of action in successfully combating the numerous types of encounters with which may be confronted.
for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
Born on May 19, 1970 in Punta Arena, Chile, Francisco Vigoroux was the pioneer of American Kenpo Karate in New Jersey, USA where he established the first generation of blackbelts in the Garden State.
In the early 1980’s, Francisco Vigoroux began his initiation into the world of the martial arts, specifically Kenpo Karate, in the city of Villa Alemana, Chile under the direction of his teacher Juan Yanez Neasmic, a former student of Chile’s Kenpo Grand Master Arturo Petit.
In 1989 he won the title of National Grand Champion black belt in the category of full contact sparring. At the end of the 1991 he moved to New York to pursue his studies in Kenpo Karate. He won a New York tournament in 1992 in the black belt forms division. In that same year, he received his 2nd degree black belt from Sifu Jack Shamberger. In 1993 Francisco established his own school with two martial arts colleagues. As time progressed he ascended to 3rd and 4th degree black belt and in 1997, decided to open up his own independent Kenpo studio where Vigoroux’s Kenpo Karate Studios International was established. Then in 1999, after many years of arduous dedication and practice in the arts, he received his 5th degree black belt under the instruction of Grand Master Larry Tatum.
In 2002 Master Vigoroux tested for 6th degree with Master Tatum in Philadelphia. In the same year, he began an avalanche of numerous international seminar engagements in Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Honduras, Canada, Barbados and nationwide.
In 2006 he was promoted to 7th Degree Black Belt after taking a rigorous exam in Master Tatum’s headquarter school in Pasadena, California.
In 2014 he was promoted to the rank of Associate Master, 8th Degree Black Belt, in New Jersey, after another demanding test by Grand Master Larry Tatum.
Mr. Vigoroux is a specialist in the engineering of motion and has created a curriculum for children, men and women alike in the art of Kenpo Karate known as KL1 and KL2 (Kenpo level 1 and 2). Using the basic principles and scientific movements of Kenpo, he has created his own evolutionary training system known as American Kenpo R-evolution.
Currently Master Vigoroux has many school affiliates in the United States, Latin America, and Europe. His headquarter school is located in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey.
Among many awards, he has received American Kenpo Instructor of the Year in 2004, 2005 and 2006. In 2007, he was nominated as the American Kenpo Instructor of the decade for the Martial arts Hall of Fame and is annually invited to return as an honorary member. Master Francisco Vigoroux has continued the tradition and established the Kenpo Martial Arts Hall of Fame in Chile in 2012. Additionally, Master Vigoroux has become an active instructor of the Kenpo Brotherhood, teaches international Skype classes and gives seminars in New York City. Currently, Mr. Vigoroux continues to transcend the world of Kenpo with his passion for the art.